
Showing posts from March, 2020

Corona Request

Its a humble request to you all Indians .. remain in the home Dear......all..... why are you endangering your life and the lives of family members? When are we going to realize the value of remaining in the home? Its very dangerous and horrible situation that we are caught in......  Please take care of your loved ones by just staying at home. Our govt is doing lot of things for the safety and security of us and its our responsibility to cooperate with the govt. If we are not going to cooperate to the govt then it is certain that you are digging a pit for yourself and for the whole family. Understand the seriousness of the situation and stay at home...... If you are not going to remain in the home then remember ........death is waiting for you outside the home.... ... Be wise....stay at home....remain safe from every danger of the disease..... Dr. Suryawanshi P. L.